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Dear visitors 

4 December 2008

When I created this website in 2008 it was not just to write down facts about the Catherine Saga, but also to entertain those who came by and have a look at the Catherine de Montsalvy website.

Blogs or websites had to be created by its owners and facts were not as easily to be added or just copied from other sources ! My visitors interacted with me and showed their delight by supporting me with sending material which could be useful for making this an attractive place to visit.
For that reason, I created out of gratitude on December 2008, (together with my sister Evelyne/Laluna, who designed the prize), the
Catherine de Montsalvy Award ! The reaction of the visitors was fabulous at that time.

Of course it is not the OSCAR or another famous AWARD,  yet this one comes from the heart


Linda, Webmaster



 Aleksandra from Costa Rica (Poland)

It was not easy to choose who should be the first winner of the new C.M.F AWARD. Aleksandra is from Poland, but lives with her family in Costa Rica. She packed all her Catherine books in her trunk to bring them to 'Costa Rica.' *

She is also one of the very first website visitors we had and is until this day a very faithful follower. Thank you Aleksandra for your kindness and sharing with us so much material. For the time you invest, sending us photos from our stars, which you found on the Net or especially took screenshots  or book covers, email adresses and other awesome items concerning the world of Catherine de Montsalvy.

* July 2021
Alas our contact broke a few years ago as sometimes happens -  and as far as I know Aleksandra does not live in Costa Rica anymore. Should she see this entry, it would be lovely to hear from her again..
Linda, Webmaster


Frédérique from France

The Award goes to Frédérique, who  has had at first a BLOG (now the official Juliette Benzoni Website) concerning everything about the world of Juliette Benzoni.  She is also the one who translated for many years my English texts for my French Catherine website.

She surprises me still from time to time with new Countries, who translated the Catherine Novels - we started at first with hunting the covers of Juliette Benzoni's books.  I am not calling her for nothing the book hunter number No° 1 !

ince I  have chosen Frédérique in February 2009 to have the AWARD - a lot has happened! Juliette babtised us ' Les filles des grands chemins' of the many times we travelled to see her at Saint-Mandé. JouJou as is her nickname, is my soulmate. Together we had been invited numerous times to see our beloved Juliette Benzoni and were there when her daughter Anne, had need of us on February 2016...

One of our favorite Slogan between us : WHAT NEXT, WHAT NEXT ???


Katarzyna from Poland

With great pleasure we like to announce the name of our new winner that of  'Katarzyna'. A journalist from Poland. She has also been with us from the very beginning following, us faithfully from youtube to the day I launched this website in 2008.

Katarzyna (which is the Polish way to say Catherine) has spoilt us with photos, articles, important e-mail adresses and last but not least helped the Beginner that I was in 2008 when something really looked aweful on the website ☺


Jean Brittain from Scotland

Our newest Award winner is from Scotland. Jean is maybe the very first person I got in contact via youtube because of my Catherine clips! There is a very interesting detail to say about her.  She comes from the precise place where Sir Hugh Kennedy  of Ardstinchar had his castle  Ardstinchar! Jean has written in the meantime the very successful book: Hugh Kennedy of Ardstinchar - Joan of Arc's Captain.

All of you, who have read Catherine, might remember the fiery Scottish Chevalier who came to replace Arnaud de Montsalvy at Carlat in BELLE CATHERINE. Without you dear Jean, we would not have known all these many extra information about that famous Scottish Knight. A man who was one of 'Joan of Arc's captains' and who had 'King Charles VII' trust. It is really my outmost pleasure to give this symbolic Award to you my friend.


Hélène Rouille from France

With great pleasure and joy we like to present our dear friend Hélène from France, a special Christmas surprise! During the year, Hélène has spoiled us many a time with her precious and beautiful creations concerning the world of 'Catherine' and 'Le Gerfaut (The Lure of the Falcon).

Her entries in our chat-box, guest book or her personal mails, are sweet, amusing, and full of life.  In reality a  Le Gerfaut  fan, she adopted our 'Catherine and Arnaud' likewise and has become one of our most faithful visitors and friend. Thank you Hélène and welcome in the Hall of Fame  !



image gif - congratulations

Catherine Kasińska from Poland

With great pleasure, my sister and I announce our next C.M.F Award winner. It is none other than the beautiful and lovely Catherine from Poland. She shares the name with our heroine, and was one of the first visitors who commented on my youtube clips, at a time when there existed absolutely nothing about our beloved Catherine, Juliette Benzoni's first heroine on youtube!

She followed with interest how I prepared to launch my website - send me words of encouragement
. She herself is a very faithful fan of Catherine and adores their characters.

Catherine is a journalist and she speaks superbly English. I am very happy to call her my friend and it was time I remembered to show my gratitude towards such a faithful friend.

Trophy of the Catherine site

 © 2008 - 2024 linda compagnoni walther
Artwork Evelyne Diggelmann-Walther
non profit site
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