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When I created my website in 2008, it was rarely possible to find news about our former stars from Dame Marion Sarrauts's television series, like Catherine, Marianne, Le Gerfaut and La Florentine. Nowadays we only need to add a name on Google and we find all the information we need. There is Wikipedia and many new websites who mention our beloved stars. Knowing all that, I decided I had done the best I could in the beginning and will only add from time to time an update when it is connected to one of our television series. I am sure you agree with me...
Linda, Webmaster

Philippe Caroit has played
in many unforgettable and  memorable productions. Here is a link to imdb to do justice to his outstanding career.

Philippe CAROIT

Born:  29 September
France, Paris
French actor
appears also on stage
French, Italian, English, German, Spanish
likes tennis, skiing, equitation, diving, boxing

participated so far in over hundred movies and TV productions,
in France and foreign countries


To us Catherine fans, Philippe Caroit is dearly remembered as Chevalier Pierre de Brézé, the young handsome knight, who fell unhappily in love with Catherine de Montsalvy. He wanted to marry her, not knowing that she was not a widow! With his ride to Montsalv, he brought unknowingly the wheel in motion which affected afterwards many lives around Catherine and her loved ones.


address of Philippe Caroit's website:
for whom he kindly gave permission
to  mention his website on my site.


La malédiction de l'escargot

Roman de Philippe Caroit

paru le 6 novembre 2020

Hugo Talmont, comédien populaire, vient de se faire larguer par Olivia, à qui il refuse de faire l'enfant dont elle rêve. Chantre de la décroissance, il refuse de participer à l'explosion démographique qui provoque l'asphyxie de notre planète. L'autre raison est qu'il n'a pas guéri ses blessures d'enfant abandonné par son père, lequel finit ses jours dans un Ehpad, en région parisienne. Hugo ne se sent bien que sur scène ou quand il fait son jogging. Un soir, une adolescente gothico-punk, Candice, vient le voir au théâtre, prétendant être sa fille. Ce qu'elle lui prouvera. Le problème est qu'Hugo n'a jamais vu sa mère, n'a jamais eu la moindre relation avec elle. Et pourtant il est bien le père de cette étrange gamine qui va peu à peu s'immiscer dans sa vie et y semer la zizanie. Jusqu'à ce qu'ils élucident ce mystère, et bien au-delà, jusqu'aux rives du Tage.

Né à Paris, Philippe Caroit est un comédien de théâtre et de cinéma. Après six années d'études de médecine, gagné par le virus du théâtre, il a rejoint le Théâtre du Soleil, d'Ariane Mnouchkine, au début des années 1980. Il a tourné dans plus de cent films et téléfilms, en France et à l'étranger. Il a écrit ou adapté plusieurs pièces et réalisé en 2000 son premier court-métrage. La Malédiction de l'escargot est son premier roman.


 September 2014

Affair of State
German television Comedy

Veronica Ferres as Anna Bremer « die Bundeskanzlerin »
Philippe Caroit as Guy Dupont  « President of France »

learn more on special page : Philippe Caroit and his
roles on TV and Cinema


With great pleasure I was able to inform you back on 14 November 2008 that Philippe Caroit knew of the existence of my website. I had written to him and he had to my immense joy answered. He informed also that he had been on the website.  I want to thank Philippe again, for his kindness he showed towards my website. A site who was at that time "unknown" and "higgledy-piggledy" ☺ Some time later he sent me his autograph and a special note for our visitors! We know he is a very popular and famous star in France - that he shared a moment with us on this website was definitely charming of him.

Thank you very much Philippe

Linda, webmaster


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